Thursday, 9 August 2012

Nails, nails, nails

I usually keep my own nails nice and short but when I came back to the UK in July my cousins convinced me to go to their local nail salon and get acrylics put on. It's been a few years since I have had acrylics on as they completely ruin your nails underneath and to be honest I find they get in my way a lot, but I am off work till September and they always look much neater than my own nail so I thought why the hell not. I am currently rocking these glitter tips:

They are quite nice and simple, and I love the purple colour but after a few weeks I must admit I am a bit bored and the work of Disco Nails Japan has caught my eye.

All the images above are the work of Disco Nails Japan and I love it! Next time I get my nails done I would love to get something similar. I just wish I was talented enough to do stuff like this myself, as several people on my blog roll list are! What's your opinion on Nail Art? A hit or a miss?


  1. Some of those nails are fabulous! I wish I were that talented also.


  2. Your glitter tips are absolutely stunning! :) xx

  3. the nails looks amazing! your blog is very good and i like your outfits <3 now im a new follower :3


  4. I'm all about nail art, lol. Love your glitter tips!

  5. I like your own nails the best haha! May have to try something like this myself:D loving your blog hun, now following:D xx

  6. Your glittery tips are awesome! I used to wear false nails all the time when I was at Uni and looking back I don't know how I managed to type, write and use machinery with them as nowadays they would get in the way and I hate that feeling like they're not your own and could come off any second, although properly applied acrylics would be different I'd imagine.
